I can lean against Your throne and find my peace.
- You give and take away
- I can lean against Your throne and find my peace
- Selflessnes
You Give and Take Away
I am realizing more and more as the summer goes on the specifics of where the Lord has put me (and others) this summer and the fact that all of these work together to illustrate this. I feel like He is pulling certain things out of my life so that I learn to lean fully on and rely on Him alone. For example: pulling me out of my Sky 1 comfort zone, putting me in cabin that is completely different from last year and my lack of mail/contact with Singers. He has put me in an environment where I have no choice BUT to turn to Him.
But at the same time, He is providing me with just enough. Contact with a few people- letters, texts, and phone calls/voicemails not every day, but always on days when I need them the most. This never ceases to amaze me. All of these relationships are also things that the Lord could have chosen to pull out of my life right now, but He didn't. For this I am so greatful and thank Him every day.
I was thinking about all of this yesterday, and then Tim played this song at staff worship. How cool is the Lord that I had had this song on my heart all day, and then we sing it at worship that night? I love that!
....oh brother. I am so tired. I honestly want to tell you everything and upload all of my pictures and videos but I think it will have to wait. But seriously, next time I see you or talk to you, ask me about this stuff, because I would love to share. I'm so sorry I can't right now. :(
Praise the Lord for hard weeks and challenges. Praise him for getting thrown in the pool by the counselors in your brother cabin and for awkward middle school deck parties. Praise him for time off and phone calls with good friends. Praise him for struggles and all the ways he shows his love for me during the week. For making me smile when "Sold" came on on the torpedo boat and for H-Ville rug times that last until 2 in the morning. And for everything going on in my heart right now and the fact that it will somehow point to Him.
I want to share everything that has been on my heart and in my head this week! All of my pictures and all of the things that I have been learning/working through. All of the things He is doing currently and the fact that they are relevent now as well as clearly preparing me for what is coming in the fall.
Soon. Hopefully I will be able to have enough time and not fall asleep for long enough to tell you. If not, we'll talk after camp is over.