"Health Center, are you on the radio, Health Center?"

OH MY GOSH you guys my campers are so OLD!

Last week I still had younger Sky 2/Sky 1, so it was a lot like last summer. This week I have all 5th/6th grade, and it's so WEIRD! I walked in the bathroom last night and they were all putting on makeup, and I thought to myself, "I don't know what to do with this."

I think I'm getting used to it though. Today has been better. :) My Bible study small group is SO GOOD, so I am pumped about that. They are also super loud/enthusiastic this week, so hopefully we can win the SPIRIT STICK. (Yes please.)

AND they can clean the cabin! Last week the girls cleaned every day, and it took us an hour-ish on Saturday to clean up the cabin after they had been "cleaning" it all week. (By "cleaning," I mean NOT AT ALL.) Today we got a perfect score. Done and done.

So I found lice yesterday, aren't you proud? Nits, actually, but whatevs. As SA, I have to check all the girls as they get in the cabin before they can make their beds. This camper's mom had just told me, "Yeah, we had some friends with it last week, but they treated it and I've kept her away from them. I've check her every day this week and haven't found anything." So then I see them (I think) and I'm all, "Well, I'm not sure, but why don't you guys go up to Legacy for a double-check,, just in case." I think her mom was frustrated with me, but that's okay, I'd be frustrated to. But anyway, she had them, but no worries she's back now so it's all good. :) I was just proud of myself for actually doing my job right!

AND today I SAILED! Successfully. I took sailing off every week last summer so today was my first time to actually take campers sailing. Not gonna lie, I was real scared. And it was super windy so I was thinking, "I'm going to flip this boat over and we are all going to be in trouble." But it was actually really fun. My girls LOVED IT and we actually were able to go pretty fast several times. I was excited that I could actually do it (or that the Lord gave me the skills because I sure didn't know what I was doing...) and that my kids had fun. And it was super nice out- 8 am on the lake, sunny and cool. Yes please. :)

AND I forgot to tell you this story from last week:
"So Disney was Greek?"
- I was wearing my phi lamb shirt with the Disney writing that says, "Sigma Phi Lambda" on the front. We were on our way to horses and one of my girls asks, "What's that?" This conversation happened:
Her- "What's that?"
Me - "It's an organization I'm in at school."
Her- "It looks like Disney writing!"
Me- "It is, you're right!"
Her- "But what does it mean?"
Tim- "They are Greek letters."
Her- "So Disney was Greek?"

Yes, exactly. I love campers. :)

Things I love about camp:
- Being able to get a Nalgene full of Dr. Pepper at Cafe Sky for 18 cents.
- Brother Cabins, Sister Cabins, and cheers of the sort.
- Walking into the counselor lounge on my off time and seeing lots of people that I love but don't get to talk to that much.
- Dancing in the counselor loft.
- How my girls spill their drinks at least twice a meal.
- The party pool.
- Being able to sail even when I thought I couldn't.
- Two-week campers.

...more later. I have to make phone calls. :)

Do a youtube search for PS 22 chorus. DO IT, it will MAKE YOUR DAY.
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