Remember that time I worked at summer camp?

First day back in "the real world." I'd be lying if I said I was terribly productive. Much of the day was spent lounging around the house watching pointless TV and movies. Nothing good was on though, so I enjoyed catching up with shows on the internet (although I don't have countless hours of LOST to catch up on like SOME PEOPLE I know...).

I also rediscovered facebook today. I think I like the fact that I forbid myself to get on it during camp-- one less thing to distract me and one less thing to worry about keeping up with. I waste SO MUCH TIME on facebook. This I will work on in the coming months, because honestly, I have way better things to do.

Anyway, I did spend quite a bit of time uploading and organizing pictures! They are now ALL up so check it out. Click it or you can find the link in the "others" section. I have also been organizing my thoughts for a much longer post that will come later in the week. I still have tons I need to write about. :)

Currently: watching Scream 3 on MTV, which reminds me of the hours of fun Scream provided us during the past school year. I have missed movie nights this summer/being able to go over to the Block anytime I wanted and see all sorts of fun people. I'm thinking movie nights at Mikes will need to continue in the future, but only if SARA GLUCK comes. (that is a shout out to her because I forgot her the last time I made shout outs. ((but she knows I love her anyway.)))

Sleep soon, I think (although it probably wouldn't be a good idea to go to sleep WHILE watching Scream 3. That might result in some kind of ridiculous dream). I think I'm driving back to Austin tomorrow, but I haven't decided for sure. But if not tomorrow, definitely Tuesday. :) Please call me-- I'll have plenty of time in the car and would love to chat. PLUS, I can use my phone WHENEVER I WANT now and I always have service. (It is so weird to look at my phone and have 5 bars). But seriously, call me because I would love to talk to you! Or you can text, that's fun too... but I'd love to hear your voice.

Check back for more later. Trust me, you'll want to read about my ridiculous week. :)

PS. ...I finally broke down and got a twitter. Oh brother. I doubt I'll ever use it (but then again that's what I said about facebook "back in the day"...) Anyway, ...not a fan of the _, but everything else was taken.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Oh goodness.You have surprised me.But, I guess I shouldn't have expected too much.So fake.:-/